Meet the campaign co-chairs and other community supporters standing with Bridget.
Honorary Co-Chairs
"She is running for the right reasons – to serve the public, promote fiscal responsibility, and increase public safety..."

Former Arizona Governor
“I was honored to serve the Northwest Valley for many years. This region has always held a special place in my heart, and I have had the pleasure of serving alongside many exceptional leaders over the years. Bridget Binsbacher is one of those strong leaders. She is running for the right reasons – to serve the public, promote fiscal responsibility, and increase public safety. Arizona needs more elected officials who are truth tellers like Bridget Binsbacher – we can count on her to keep her word. I am proud to support Bridget’s bid for Peoria Mayor and to count her as my friend.”
-Jan Brewer, Former Arizona Governor
“Peoria is consistently at the top of nearly every list when it comes to important quality of life metrics. We need Bridget Binsbacher as the next mayor to make sure it stays that way...”

City of Peoria Mayor
“Peoria is consistently at the top of nearly every list when it comes to important quality of life metrics. We need Bridget Binsbacher as the next mayor to make sure it stays that way. I have worked closely with Bridget while we served on the Peoria City Council. Together, we’ve built a strong, fiscally responsible city with safe communities, well-connected transportation, gorgeous open space, and excellent economic opportunities. She’s the only candidate ready to take the next steps and continue all the great work that we have started."
-Cathy Carlat, City of Peoria Mayor
"Bridget Binsbacher is truly making a difference in our community and setting an example for future leaders in Arizona..."

Businessman & Arizona Icon
“Bridget Binsbacher is an accomplished business professional and a committed public servant. Most importantly, she is a servant leader who does her job with honesty and integrity. Not only has she been a longtime leader behind the incredibly successful Cactus League that drives our local economy, but she also brings a collaborative approach to the City of Peoria and plays a key role in a council that works incredibly well together. Bridget Binsbacher is truly making a difference in our community and setting an example for future leaders in Arizona.”
-Jerry Colangelo, Businessman & Arizona Icon
"Bridget Binsbacher has a proven track record of success in both the private and public sector. I've supported Bridget since she began her service..."

AZ Strategies Founder and President
"Bridget Binsbacher has a proven track record of success in both the private and public sector. I've supported Bridget since she began her service. As a life-long Republican, she has been a respected leader in business and also committed to smart spending and conservative principles while on the Peoria City Council. Bridget has a vision for Peoria and the experience to back it up. I am proud to give her my support."
-Karrin Taylor-Robson, AZ Strategies Founder and President
"...Her support for public safety is personal and genuine. Her understanding of her community and her passion is deep. She’s the best choice for Peoria."

AZ Strategies, Principal
“I had the honor of serving Maricopa County for more than two decades – standing up for what is right and protecting the taxpayers. During that time, it became clear to that many folks are in it for themselves and there are fewer who are in it for the right reasons. I have known Bridget Binsbacher for many years, and I know for certain that she is running for Mayor for the right reasons. Her support for public safety is personal and genuine. Her commitment to fiscal responsibility and low taxes is proven.
Her understanding of her community and her passion is deep. She’s the best choice for Peoria.”
- Andy Kunasek, Principal, AZ Strategies
"...Binsbacher can continue that track record and ensure that our community continues to be safe and family-friendly."

Maricopa County Supervisor, District 4
“As County Supervisor, I have been dedicated to keeping property taxes low and helping the businesses in Maricopa County create more jobs and economic opportunities. I know that Bridget Binsbacher has the same priorities and would be a solid, conservative choice for Mayor of Peoria. Maricopa County has worked well with cities like Peoria on a wide variety of regional and economic issues because of strong, collaborative leadership on both sides. Binsbacher can continue that track record and ensure that our community continues to be safe and family-friendly.”
- Clint Hickman, Maricopa County Supervisor, District 4
"Bridget has been in the forefront of that support, carrying on the remarkable track record of support from the City of Peoria..."
Lt. Col. (Ret.)
Former 56th Fighter Wing Community Initiatives Director
Those of us that have worn the uniform of our nation, understand that leadership and character counts. I have been associated with Bridget Binsbacher for almost a decade as she dedicated her life to the well-being and good fortune of the City of Peoria, she has personified leadership and character. As the founding director of the Luke AFB, Community Initiatives Team, I have been humbled by the support of the City of Peoria for the men, women and mission of Luke AFB. Bridget has been in the forefront of that support, carrying on the remarkable track record of support from the City of Peoria. She has been instrumental in Luke AFB being identified as the World’s Center of Excellence for the newest fighter aircraft, the F-35. Bridget has always put the men and women of our Armed Forces at the top of her list of priorities. I know she will continue the incredible support established by her predecessors Mayors Keegan, Barrett and Carlat.
-Rusty Mitchell Lt. Col. (Ret.), Former 56th Fighter Wing Community Initiatives Team director
"Her financial background and expertise in budgeting have served the city very well and put our community in a strong financial position for the future..."

Former City of Peoria Mayor
“For several years, I’ve been very impressed as a Republican to see the fiscal discipline of Bridget Binsbacher on the Peoria City Council. Her financial background and expertise in budgeting have served the city very well and put our community in a strong financial position for the future. It’s one thing to talk about fiscal responsibility, but it’s another thing to consistently put it into action year after year. I would encourage anyone who cares about fiscal responsibility in Peoria to vote for Bridget Binsbacher for Mayor.”
-John Keegan, Former City of Peoria Mayor

Former City of Peoria Mayor
"Her fresh perspective and tireless work ethic have served her constituents well as a Councilmember and I believe she will continue to do so as Mayor..."
“There is no doubt that Bridget Binsbacher truly cares about Peoria having served residents of all ages with her work on behalf of kids, working people, and retirees. Her fresh perspective and tireless work ethic have served her constituents well as a Councilmember and I believe she will continue to do so as Mayor. Peoria has had a solid continuum of leadership that started before my time as Mayor and has certainly continued after. We can trust Bridget Binsbacher to continue this tradition. Please join me in supporting Bridget as the next Mayor of Peoria.”
-Bob Barrett, Former City of Peoria Mayor
"...Bridget understands that investing in today’s youth is an investment in our future. She is the best pick for the next generation of Peoria and I look forward to working with her.”

El Mirage Mayor
“As the next Mayor of Peoria, Bridget Binsbacher has all the qualities and knowledge to help Peoria continue to thrive. Like me, Bridget Binsbacher is passionate about her community and its youth. From the Diamond Clubs Emerging Leader Scholarship program to leading the charge on the creation of the PeoriaAZ Promise Scholarship program as a councilmember, she has a proven track record of supporting our students in need and eliminating financial barriers to higher education. Bridget understands that investing in today’s youth is an investment in our future. She is the best pick for the next generation of Peoria and I look forward to working with her.”
-Alexis Hermosillo, El Mirage Mayor
"...we will need to have solid working relationships with the nearby communities including Peoria to ensure our long-term success. Bridget Binsbacher is best suited to maximize this opportunity for both of our cities and the entire region.”

Phoenix Mayor
“I am proud to endorse Bridget Binsbacher for Peoria Mayor. She is a collaborative leader and a strong advocate for smart business growth and investment. As Phoenix continues to navigate the city’s largest-ever business development deal – the $12 billion semiconductor manufacturing plant that will bring significant economic development for decades to come – we will need to have solid working relationships with the nearby communities including Peoria to ensure our long-term success. Bridget Binsbacher is best suited to maximize this opportunity for both of our cities and the entire region.”
-Kate Gallego, Phoenix Mayor
"She has proven to be a thoughtful leader committed to the success of not only Peoria, but the entire region. As a champion of countless initiatives in the areas of affordable housing..."

Tempe Mayor
“I have worked closely with Bridget Binsbacher on the Transportation Policy Committee supporting an interconnected transportation and transit system that effectively moves people, goods, and services throughout our region. She has proven to be a thoughtful leader committed to the success of not only Peoria, but the entire region. As a champion of countless initiatives in the areas of affordable housing and human services, I also appreciate her involvement on the Maricopa Association of Governments' Human Services Committee and her work on Peoria’s Action Plan aimed at providing a suitable living environment for residents of all incomes. I am proud to give her my support.”
-Corey Woods, Tempe Mayor
"Her business experience as well as her regional expertise through the Cactus League make her uniquely qualified to be the next Mayor..."

Avondale Mayor
“The West Valley is booming because we have a group of mayors who have worked well together on key issues such as economic development, transportation, healthcare, and public safety. Certainly, we compete for projects, but we also recognize that the success of one city helps all of the cities around it. Bridget Binsbacher understands this and will bring a collaborative approach not only to her council, but to the broader region. Her business experience as well as her regional expertise through the Cactus League make her uniquely qualified to be the next Mayor.”
-Kenn Weise, Avondale Mayor
"I support Bridget Binsbacher for Peoria Mayor and look forward to continuing the strong regional relationship between all of the cities throughout the entire region..."

Buckeye Mayor
“Both Buckeye and Peoria are firmly committed to protecting open space and improving our quality of life. I look forward to working with Bridget Binsbacher to share best practices and partnerships when it comes to parks, trails, and outdoor recreation. Also, I can say as a former member of the City Council prior to serving as Mayor, experience on the council gives her a leg up and will allow her to hit the ground running as Mayor. I support Bridget Binsbacher for Peoria Mayor and look forward to continuing the strong regional relationship between all of the cities throughout the entire region.”
-Eric Orsborn, Buckeye Mayor
"...She is the best candidate to keep Peoria safe and family friendly. I am proud to give her my support."

Chandler Mayor
“I am proud to endorse Bridget Binsbacher for Peoria Mayor. We both share a firm commitment to great jobs, great schools, and safe communities. I have worked with her on the Transportation Policy Committee and have witnessed her unyielding commitment to state and regional cooperation. She is the best candidate to keep Peoria safe and family friendly. I am proud to give her my support.”
-Kevin Hartke, Chandler Mayor
“Bridget Binsbacher has been a collaborator, a solution-finder, and a fierce advocate for Peoria and for the region..."

Gilbert Mayor
“Bridget Binsbacher has been a collaborator, a solution-finder, and a fierce advocate for Peoria and for the region. Her continued leadership in the new role of Mayor coupled with her regional relationships means that Peoria’s influence will remain strong.”
-Brigette Peterson, Gilbert Mayor
"Bridget Binsbacher has been a regional leader in supporting quality transportation and fought hard to ensure that the West Valley got its fair share of infrastructure investment..."

Goodyear Mayor
“Investment in a well-connected transportation system that can move people, goods, and services is essential to the long-term economic growth of the entire region. As a member of the Transportation Policy Committee, Bridget Binsbacher has been a regional leader in supporting quality transportation and fought hard to ensure that the West Valley got its fair share of infrastructure investment. She has shown solid leadership and I look forward to working with her,”
-Joe Pizzillo, Goodyear Mayor
"Bridget Binsbacher understands the importance of regional cooperation when it comes to economic development, transportation, and quality of life..."

Tolleson Mayor
“From her experience with Maricopa Association of Governments, Bridget Binsbacher understands the importance of regional cooperation when it comes to economic development, transportation, and quality of life. From my professional experience, I can also say that she completely understands the critical role that recreation, parks, and public involvement play in the long-term success of our community. I am proud to give her my support.”
-Juan F. Rodriguez, Tolleson Mayor
"Our community is headed in the right direction and Bridget Binsbacher will make sure it stays that way..."

Youngtown Mayor
“I am proud to represent the West Valley and work with so many leaders who are in it for the right reasons. Bridget Binsbacher is one of those people. Like me, she is a proven fiscal conservative, and she is committed to good policy and collaboration. Our community is headed in the right direction and Bridget Binsbacher will make sure it stays that way. I give her my support.”
-Michael LeVault, Youngtown Mayor
"Bridget Binsbacher is committed to building strong relationships and I am proud to give her my support."

Maricopa Mayor
“As the former President of the League of Arizona Cities and Towns, I have been able to see firsthand the success our communities can have when they can work together to strengthen our state and grow our economy. Bridget Binsbacher understands this and has a proven track record of collaboration that benefits not only Peoria, but the entire region and state. I strongly believe that good working relationships are critically important to regional cooperation and directly influence the quality of life of our citizens through an enhanced economic development climate. Bridget Binsbacher is committed to building strong relationships and I am proud to give her my support.”
- Christian Price, Mayor of Maricopa
"Taxpayers can count on Bridget Binsbacher to stand up for them when it comes to their tax dollars..."

Peoria Councilmember
"It has been my honor to serve with Bridget Binsbacher on the Peoria City Council. Together we have fought to protect the taxpayers and support fiscal discipline. Bridget’s conservative approach to the city budget has made a huge difference in maintaining fiscal responsibility in Peoria. Taxpayers can count on Bridget Binsbacher to stand up for them when it comes to their tax dollars. Join me in supporting her for the next mayor of Peoria.”
-Mike Finn, Peoria Councilmember
"Bridget Binsbacher has been a conservative voice for smart spending and fiscal responsibility. She brings a balanced approach to governing..."

Litchfield Park Mayor
“Bridget Binsbacher has been a conservative voice for smart spending and fiscal responsibility. She brings a balanced approach to governing and will work well with other cities throughout the region to strengthen our local economy, improve transportation, and protect our quality of life. She has put in the work and has earned our support.”
-Thomas L. Schoaf, Litchfield Park Mayor
"Bridget Binsbacher understands this and brings the right mix of business and government experience to the role of Mayor..."

Wickenburg Mayor
“From my time on the town council and now as Mayor, it is clear to me that success at the local level is a group achievement, not an individual achievement. The same goes for the region – when cities and towns can work together, the entire community can succeed. Bridget Binsbacher understands this and brings the right mix of business and government experience to the role of Mayor. Like me, she has learned the importance of working with others and will bring that skillset to strengthen the region. I am happy to give her my support.”
-Rui Pereira, Wickenburg Mayor
"Bridget is a strong, committed leader who can help build on our success and continue the collaborative environment that has served our council so well..."
Peoria Councilman & Vice Mayor
“Peoria has an amazing quality of life and a well-functioning government because we have a council that works well together. I have been pleased to work with Bridget Binsbacher on council and endorse her effort to become our next mayor. Together, we have built an amazing park system, preserved open space and trails, and attracted amazing economic opportunities. Bridget is a strong, committed leader who can help build on our success and continue the collaborative environment that has served our council so well for several years.”
-Bill Patena, Peoria Vice Mayor
"She recognizes that different parts of the city have unique needs that must be addressed.."

Peoria Councilwoman & Mayor Pro Tem
“I have worked closely with Bridget Binsbacher while we have been on council together and I know that she cares about ALL of Peoria. She recognizes that different parts of the city have unique needs that must be addressed – some areas are facing rapid growth while others are in need of renewal and increased public safety. Bridget understands this and is ready to get to work on day one. I am pleased to offer my support.”
-Vicki Hunt, Peoria Councilwoman and Mayor Pro Tem
"Bridget Binsbacher fully understands the importance of a well-connected transportation and transit system..."

Northwest Valley Connect Board member, Recreation Centers of Sun City West Director
“Bridget Binsbacher fully understands the importance of a well-connected transportation and transit system to help move people, goods, and services throughout our community. Her experience on the Transportation Policy Committee makes her uniquely qualified to address Peoria’s ongoing transportation challenges and ensure that residents of all ages and abilities can enjoy independence. She has worked to support multimodal transportation including a significant number of street improvements, Park and Ride, transit, and POGO – Peoria’s very own circulator. Bridget Binsbacher is the best choice for Peoria’s transportation future.”
-Sharon Hettick, Transit Advocate, Northwest Valley Connect Board member, and Recreation Centers of Sun City West Director
"Bridget Binsbacher is a true public servant. She has been committed to our community for many years – not only as an elected official..."

Heart for the City
Bridget Binsbacher is a true public servant. She has been committed to our community for many years – not only as an elected official, but also as a volunteer and collaborator. She has brought people together to serve our community well showing a deep dedication to our at-risk youth, those in need, and our veterans. Bridget is a compassionate and powerful force in Peoria. She will serve our community well as the next Mayor.”
- Joe Eriquez, Heart for the City
"Her leadership and compassion make her well suited to be Peoria’s next mayor.”
Founders, Vincere Cancer Center
“First Responders are at a much higher risk than the general population for contracting, potentially fatal, occupational cancer. Screening and diagnosing these cancers at an early and curable stage is our unending pursuit for these heroes who constantly put themselves in harm’s way for us. Bridget Binsbacher understands the many benefits of preventative procedures and early detection. She has been a champion for First Responder Cancer Screening at both the local and state level. Her leadership and compassion make her well suited to be Peoria’s next mayor.”
-Vershalee Shukla, Md
Pablo Prichard, Md
Founders, Vincere Cancer Center
"Her leadership as Mayor will help bring Peoria to the next level in our quality of life...”

Executive Director,
Billy’s Place Nonprofit
“As a mother of four, a wife of a firefighter, a community leader, and an elected official, Bridget Binsbacher has a heart for helping those in need and keeping Peoria safe. She is active with charitable organizations and recognizes the importance of collaboration between our local government and nonprofits to build a stronger community. She is a consensus builder and has worked hard to develop regional cooperation on issues such as transportation as well as health and human services. Her leadership as Mayor will help bring Peoria to the next level in our quality of life.”
- Kris Friedman, Executive Director, Billy’s Place nonprofit
“Peoria is a great place to do business because of leaders like Bridget Binsbacher..."

Peoria Business Owner, Westside Concepts
“Peoria is a great place to do business because of leaders like Bridget Binsbacher. She has earned recognition as a state and regional leader in business and tourism because she understands the important roles that economic development, dining, entertainment, and small business play in our quality of life. Bridget’s more than 20 years of professional experience in the financial industry and experience in operations, sales, and business development make her uniquely qualified to serve as our next mayor. I am proud to give her my support and co-chair her committee.”
-Joey Lucidi, Peoria Business Owner, Westside Concepts
"As Mayor, I know she would serve our community with honor and be an outspoken voice for fiscal responsibility...”

“Bridget Binsbacher has been a champion for trust, honesty, and conservative principles while on the Peoria City Council. She has been a strong supporter of the Trilogy Veterans Club and has worked hard to not only help our veterans in need, but also honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice. Bridget Binsbacher has fought for financial accountability and keeping taxes low – recognizing that many Peoria residents are on a fixed income. As Mayor, I know she would serve our community with honor and be an outspoken voice for fiscal responsibility.”
- Marvin Shadman, Trilogy Veteran
Trilogy Veteran
“Bridget Binsbacher has been a champion for trust, honesty, and conservative principles while on the Peoria City Council. She has been a strong supporter of the Trilogy Veterans Club and has worked hard to not only help our veterans in need, but also honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice. Bridget Binsbacher has fought for financial accountability and keeping taxes low – recognizing that many Peoria residents are on a fixed income. As Mayor, I know she would serve our community with honor and be an outspoken voice for fiscal responsibility.”
- Marvin Shadman, Trilogy Veteran
"She recognizes how arts and culture are intrinsically tied to a community’s quality of life..."

Director of WHAM
“Bridget Binsbacher is a long-time supporter of the arts and has been a committed community partner to bring art, art programs, and events to Peoria. She recognizes how arts and culture are intrinsically tied to a community’s quality of life. Peoria is a thriving destination that has earned countless accolades for quality of life and livability because of Bridget and this council’s commitment to building a solid, well-rounded community.”
- Connie Whitlock, Director of WHAM
"Her work with the Cactus League managing fifteen baseball organizations and the ten facilities is unparalleled..."

Director of GiGi’s Playhouse Phoenix Down Syndrome Achievement Center
“I met Bridget Binsbacher over a decade ago when I was working in sports and tourism, and she was with the Peoria Diamond Club. Over the years, not only has she shown business and management prowess, but she has also shown a heart for helping nonprofits and serving the community. Her work with the Cactus League managing fifteen baseball organizations and the ten facilities is unparalleled and even more remarkable is the millions she has generated through their charitable work. Bridget is the real deal, and I am proud to support her.”
-Robin Lea-Amos, Director of GiGi’s Playhouse
“I am a retired police officer and long-time supporter of Bridget Binsbacher. She has been a steady voice for our community and public safety for many years..."

“I am a retired police officer and long-time supporter of Bridget Binsbacher. She has been a steady voice for our community and public safety for many years. We love her vision for Peoria, believe in her leadership, and support her consensus-building approach for the city. She has served our community well as a volunteer, councilmember, and as Vice Mayor. I know that her commitment to service would continue as Mayor.”
-Tommy Hoppin, Peoria Resident
"Her ability to quickly understand
issues and her determination to always put the community’s interests first, will allow Bridget to serve Peoria well as Mayor.”

Mentor, The Rotary Foundation
“Bridget is a highly organized professional with unquestionable integrity. Having worked with her on several large community events. I can attest to her compassion, intensity, financial acumen and the sensible, courteous way she works with others. Her ability to quickly understand issues and her determination to always put the community’s interests first, will allow Bridget to serve Peoria well as Mayor.
-George Wheeler, Mentor, The Rotary Foundation
"...I am confident that Bridget will strive to ensure that Peoria continues to be one of the most well-run, safe, and family friendly cities in the Valley.”

Owner, Paladino Physical Therapy
“Our city is an amazing place to live, and our local leaders have done a good job making sure that our community is heading in the right direction. I am confident that Bridget will strive to ensure that Peoria continues to be one of the most well-run, safe, and family friendly cities in the Valley.”
- Jason Paladino, Owner, Paladino Physical Therapy
"...Bridget Binsbacher’s work on the Peoria City Council and am impressed by her commitment to economic development and fiscal responsibility."

Former Phoenix City Councilmember, Trilogy Resident
“After many years in Phoenix that included serving on the city council, my husband and I chose to retire in Trilogy because of the scenic views and the excellent standard of living. I’ve followed Bridget Binsbacher’s work on the Peoria City Council and am impressed by her commitment to economic development and fiscal responsibility. I can see firsthand that she has the knowledge and experience to serve our community well. She also has a deep understanding of what makes this community special and is committed to preserving it. Bridget Binsbacher is the right person to be the next Mayor of Peoria and I am proud to give her my support.”
-Peggy Neely, Former Phoenix City Councilmember, Trilogy Resident
"Her recognitions as a woman in business are incredibly well deserved and she has clearly proven that she has the skills, passion, and experience to be the next Mayor of Peoria.”

Vice Chairman of National Bank of Arizona
“I have known Bridget Binsbacher professionally for more than three decades. She is a consummate professional and has demonstrated exceptional skill not only in the realm of financial issues, but also in the arenas of leadership and management. Her recognitions as a woman in business are incredibly well deserved and she has clearly proven that she has the skills, passion, and experience to be the next Mayor of Peoria.”
- Deborah Bateman - Vice Chairman of National Bank of Arizona